Monday, July 9, 2012

EDC and Future Preparation.

   Many people are seriously worried about the future. Whether it be a zombie apocalypse, national invasion, terrorism, or some natural disaster, people are hoarding materials to endure the tribulation of what "may be." A perfect example of this is the increasing number of manufacturers who have some type of "zombie" fighting equipment. There is also the increasing sales of anything labeled "survival." As with the great "Anthrax" scare of Saddam (people purchasing bottled water, drop cloths, duct tape, and gas masks) or the total technological shutdown of the year 2000, the media has whipped people into a frenzy. Is this scare warranted? Only the future will reveal this to us.
   I am not against preparation. In fact, I encourage everyone to prepare for the unexpected. What is meant by such a statement? We need to be smart and consider every item that we purchase. Don't be led into buying an item just because the next biggest disaster may raise its ugly head. Decide whether the item(s) you are about to purchase are going to truly be helpful in the long term.
   My eyes were forced open during Hurricane Rita and Katrina. Living in Texas, I was without power for quite sometime when the hurricanes hit. I was nowhere inconvenienced like the people in Louisiana. I watched as they were dispersed from their homes. I watched when order was restored. I watched as some returned to the devastation that was left. It changed my life forever.
   If it could happen in Louisiana, it could happen anywhere. What would you do if you were left without power for days? What would you do if you were left without power for weeks? How about longer? Refrigeration is great, but when there is no electricity (at home or at the local grocery store) food will spoil rather quickly. We have become a spoiled people! We complain when someone doesn't prepare our food properly but we ourselves may not even be able to cook for ourselves. Do we know how to can food? Can we care for a garden? How would we survive without the luxuries of the American lifestyle.
   Once I realized how helpless I had let myself become, I sought to retrieve the one item that could change my situation. That one item was "KNOWLEDGE." Since that time I have put together a "Bug Out Bag." I also have a "Every day Carry" (E.D.C) bag that goes with me everywhere. These items have helped me put the responsibility in my own hands. It is up to me to care for my needs and the needs of my family if disaster should arise. I cannot, however, use items that I have not put together. I do not consider myself paranoid or worried, you could say that I am concerned about my needs and the needs of my family. For this reason I have begun to prepare. What have you done to secure the safety of yourself?

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